Friday, October 24, 2008


Just a little cautionary note: Come rainy season and you want to get some new pots and you go to Home Depot after a little rain. Don't pull down pots that are upside down and the rims are full of water or this might happen to you.

Yes, this happened to Melissa on night we ran to Home Depot. She was soaking wet and we laughed really hard. We just kept imagining that there was a surveillance camera pointed at us and the guys doing surveillance we laughing just as hard. It was something out of America's Funniest Home Video. To bad we didn't have a video at the time. Yes, that is water down the front of Melissa and her hair was wet also.


I don't know if anyone would enjoy this post but Callie, Melissa and I, but I thought I would share. So the other night Melissa and I were hanging out and Callie was coming over. Callie was really wanted to know what Melissa and I were wearing. She wanted to know if it was okay to come over in here pajamas to hangout with us. I said that was fine. As soon as I hung up I ran upstairs and asked Melissa if she had any old prom dresses or bridesmaid dresses. I told Melissa how Callie was wondering what we were wearing and I thought it would be fun for here to show up and we would be sitting there all done up. Okay a little silly but we had some great laughs over it. So Melissa and I proceeded to put on our dresses and curl our hair all up and put on a ton of makeup. We look ridiculous. We hurried downstairs and waited for Callie's arrival. Callie came fifteen minutes later. Let's just say Callie couldn't figure out what was going on but once she put it all together we all laughed pretty hard. Good times with great friends.

I picked to wear a bridesmaid dress from Erika's wedding

As Callie came in Melissa was also reading Better Homes and Gardens.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Never a surprise in the City....

So this past weekend Sheila invited me and a few friends to go to the city to have a picnic at Crissy Field. We all meet at Sheila's house and took two cars to the city. Sheila and her family in one and Steve, Emily, Kim and I in my car. All was well until it was time to get off in the city to cut over to Crissy Field. We went one way and Sheila's car went another. Following my navigation is great sometime but it doesn't tell you when something is going on and there's a lot of traffic. Yes, it took us another 45 to an hour to get to Crissy Field due to the "Love Fest" You can only imagine what we saw in the city.

Not quite sure....

Let's just say there was alot of interesting outfits to see.

This is the real reason it took so long. Steve just wanted one more picture of this group of girls. Who gave Steve my camera?

But after a little re-navigating we made it and it was a beautiful day in the City!

Got to love Sheila and Steve always wanting to be in the picture.