Saturday, December 6, 2008

Old Photos

I found these photos in an old email a friend sent me and thought I would post them. The first is a group of us that went to the Mid-Singles Halloween Party.

This one is a close up of my roommates costume. We had a few too many laughs putting this one together. Can you guess who she is? Hope you picked Ugly Betty.

The next one is a group of us at the Mid-Singles Conference in October. The first night of the conference in San Francisco on top of the Metreon.

Okay so the last one is on Tami's Birthday and we decided to have High Tea at the Fairmont in San Francisco. It was a really fun eating all the little morsels of food they brought out for us.


Amy said...

So good to see you Ish. You look like you are having a lot of fun. Hope to talk to you soon. I'm so glad you have a blog

kristin said...

Dang we have fun times!!!
Who wouldn't want to have fun with us!?!?

Anonymous said...

That food looks so yummy! I loved your hair for the singles conference. Great pics!! I like taking little peaks into your life Ish. Dang you are popular with so many friends.

Amanda said...

Wow I made the blog. Looks like you guys have a lot of fun! are you going out for the NYE dance too?

Pili girl~ said...

Oh my friends!!!!! I love it! You all look soooo beautiful!

Shannon said...

So glad to see you in the blogging world Ish! Love your photo's especially the drag queens in San Fran and your prom dresses that is pretty funny.